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Whatr U Workin On?General Visit blog5/5/2012

Reggie White

Whatr U Workin On?  | Visit  

Hi, my name is Reggie White and I've been married for 30+ years. It's far from a perfect marriage but still hanging in there.

We live in Virginia Beach and here to be with TheGrands. I never knew my grand parents from either side of the family and I didn't want that to happen with my grand children. 

I like to see things for what they CAN be...I take a single object and it becomes one of many.

My QuesMark and Bottomless Heart designs are examples of what came from one object.

My Online Store: Designs By Reglandus~I would appreciate you stopping by.

I'm also designing blog headers and buttons. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like something customized.