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Brynwood NeedleworksGeneral Visit blog2/10/2012

Donna Liljegren

Brynwood Needleworks  | Visit  

Brynwood Needleworks was established in 1989, and I began blogging in March, 2009. I've been happily married to the same man for the past 27 years. He is a musician, freelance photographer and the best part of my life. I'm also stepmom to two grown, married sons, and grandmom to three beautiful kids. I love spending time with my husband, our Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Taggart, and our family.

I'm an avid seamstress, knitter/crocheter, and all-around crafter. I have lived in Florida with my husband for the past 11 years, having originally lived in Wisconsin. While in Wisconsin, I owned a needlework shop (Stitches), and a cross stitch design business - Brynwood Needleworks - which has morphed into my current creative business and blog.

I was a hunter education administrator for 10 years in WI, as well as the first (and only) woman in 77 years to hold one of the top three positions in the WI Conservation Congress (a legislated body of elected officials representing hunters and fishermen in the state). It's still one of my proudest accomplishments.

Weekly, I spend time with other "creators"...knitters, crocheters, seamstresses and all-around great gals I proudly call friends. Welcome to my world.Your profile message here...