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Adventures of the Triple B'sParentingA place for those with extremely active children to find comfort in stories that may or may not sound familiar. Visit blog7/3/2012

Carmen B.

Adventures of the Triple B's  | Visit  

I am the mom of the BB Boys, 3 fun loving, adventure seeking, super active kids. I chronicle all of our families adventures from our travels to the lessons that we have learned while parenting these interesting little people. You will also find recipes, craft ideas, science projects, safety tips, and cleaning solutions for all of the messes that active kids make. 

I want our blog, Adventures of the Triple B's, to become a valuable resource for parents of extremely active kids. You know the kind, they run amuck at the grocery store, get into everything they can at home, and climb anything that they can find. They are the kids who are extremely curious, very smart and are really hard to keep up with because they have the highest levels of energy that anyone can possibly have. 

If this sounds somewhat familiar, then this blog is exactly what you need to read. Come on over and laugh with me about the crazy things that the BB Boys have done, sometimes they drive me crazy, but they always make me laugh. Leave a comment if you enjoy what you have read or like Adventures of the Triple B's on Facebook. I hope to hear from you soon!