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Nae's NestHealth Visit blog4/28/2012

Naes Nest

Nae's Nest  | Visit  

My "star" of choice?  To leave a legacy for my future grandchildren.  I would like to have a book published.  I have always been a writer.  I've had a newspaper column and such.  However, writing consumes hours upon hours of time.  As a working- outside -of- the -home- (breath)-mom, I never had the time to write until now.
 I am unable to work due to an attack.  A flesh eating beast has attacked my body.  I have been fighting this beast for just over 2 years.  The beast has a name.  His name is Cancer.  He forces me to twist and turn.  I am Dancing With Cancer and I share this story in the form of a journal.

I also have a tremendous sense of humor which I share along with any other musing that pops into my head.

We each have the ability to make our dreams come true. You can't be afraid. One would never become a star had they not reached out and captured it. Come with me to ride upon a star.