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Tea With DeeGeneral Visit blog10/4/2012

Deanna Piercy

Tea With Dee  | Visit  

Once upon a time there was a little girl who spent too much time in her head and reading books...often about "olden times", and living on a farm, and such as that.  Then the little girl grew up, married, had children and continued to dream about a back-to-the-land lifestyle.  But her version included pretty clothes, high-thread-count sheets, and vacations in luxury hotels.  She did get her lovely home in the country complete with fruit trees (which the birds and squirrels pick clean every year), a pond, and finally...chickens!  Her long-suffering husband indulges her farm fantasies but also takes her on nice vacations to New Orleans and little trips to hotels where the drinking glasses are real glass because everyone knows that staying in a place with plastic cups is barely a step above camping.  And she does not camp.  Ever.